CVHS Safety Contact:
Victor Marquez
Lead Security (Acting)
Safety Office:
(909)799-2300, ext. 35581
Safe & Secure Mode
Safe & Secure Mode is a security procedure used to reduce student and staff movement outside school buildings. This may be due to medical emergency, area disturbance, etc. It is designed to allow for school to carry forward but have the ability to move to Lockdown quickly if needed. During the Safe & Secure mode, there is heightened vigilance on campus by all school staff. Generally, recesses and outdoor activities are reduced. Parents/guardians can have access to their student(s) and may check them out of school if they see fit to do so.
Teachers should continue teaching as normal
Allow students restroom use with clear administrator/ teacher direction
Increased available staff presence during passing periods and student dismissal
Lunch/activities in more secure area, unless site administration decides otherwise
Standard inclement weather schedule/routine in place, unless site administrator/designee decides otherwise
Perimeter gates, where applicable, will be locked and monitored by available staff, allowing for central access points
PE classes will be moved off all fields into more secure locations (e.g., gym, class, & MPR)
Lock Down
Lock Down is called when a law enforcement event is happening in the vicinity of a school. The law enforcement agency generally, but not always, contacts the school/district to encourage the school site to Lock Down as a precautionary measure. All Administrators are expected to place their school in Lock Down in this scenario.
Take a look outside your classroom and gather up any stray students in the hallways
Ensure that your door is locked
If windows are open, close them
Project a calm demeanor to help students remain calm. Reassure students that they are safe
Do not allow anyone to leave the classroom
Frequently check your emails for possible updates from your site administrators
If students are out on the playground or athletic fields, quickly move them to a secure classroom, locker room, or multi-purpose room
High Alert Lock Down
High-Alert Lock Down is called when a significant, threatening event is happening on campus or adjacent to campus that creates a potential danger to students and staff. While this may be communicated to the school by law enforcement, it may also be determined by school officials on the scene. High-Alert Lock Down assumes that everyone is prepared for a potential significant threat/event on campus.
Implement all items from Lock Down list above
Turn off or reduce lighting, so it will appear that the room is vacant
Keep all students sitting on the floor, away from the door or windows
Do not look out the windows
Cover window on the door (if one exists)
Advise the students that there is a serious situation, but you don’t know what it is. Project a calm demeanor to help students remain calm. Reassure students that they are safe
Ensure that everyone in the room turns the ringer off on their cell phones
Do not allow students to talk on their cell phones (keep room as quiet as possible)
Do not call the office. They are in the midst of a problem and will not be able to answer all the calls which may tie up the phone system
Quietly take roll and make a list of missing students and any extra students that are in your room. Email this list to your administrators and school site secretaries
Do not evacuate students until you are told to, even if the fire bells go off. If, in fact, there is a need for a fire evacuation, you will be notified via the PA system, email, or phone call
Do not open the door, even if someone knocks and claims to be a staff member (Administrator/custodian will have a master key)
If students are out on the PE field, do not return them to the locker room. Move them to a safe place (the farthest part of the campus)
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